sunglasses mom, it's too bright!"

Not a lot is new here at the Salmon home. Today I took Haley to the allergist to see what things she is allergic to. I don't know if any of you have been tested for allergies but they have to poke your back and put drops on the part they poke and then you have to wait 15 min. to see if you get any welts and then they mesure the welts. Haley did amazing! She is apperently allergic to almonds, Macadamias, cashews, pistachios and mangos. She has me to thank for her allergies...sorry Haley!
Tonight we have a softball game. Jason played in one last night and hurt his knee...he has old mans disease already!! So I don't know how well we will do. Ross won't be there either and he is our pitcher.
I got called to be first councilor in the Young Womens this last Sunday. It should be pretty fun. I am over the Mia Maid and have to teach twice a month and go to activities on Wednesday nights. We did scrapbooking last night. I found out that I don't have to go to camp next year for the whole week, which I am pretty excited about....I am not much of a camper. I only went once when I was in the young womens.!!
Haley is now sleeping in a "big girl bed" now. I was planning on keeping her in her crib until she figured out how to climb out, but she told me a few weeks ago she wants to sleep in a bed!