So now that Haley is 3 years old, she had her first Dental vistit. She did soooo good! Before we got to my office she told me she wanted me to clean her teeth but that she didn't want me to wear a mask or gloves. (In the past she has been scared of the mask and gloves.) Anyway, I decided that I wanted to be the "Mom" that day not the "Dental Hygienist." So I made my good friend from work K.D. clean her teeth.

Here is Haley with her cool sunglasses, watching "Dora The Explorer", about to get her teeth cleaned. She didn't even mind the mask and gloves!

Getting her teeth "tickled" by K.D.

No Cavities!!! This is us in front of the fish tank, which she loves, out in the reception area!

After getting her teeth cleaned, I decided to give her her first Haircut. I didn't cut much off, just enough to even it out. She had been begging me to get a haircut so I went down to my Mom and Dads house and My mom helped me cut it. It looks good but the curls are slowly going away...it's pretty sad, that is why it has taken me 3 years to do this. But, it had to happen some day right!?