So Haley hasn't been very good at sleeping in her own bed since she was about 1 1/2. That is mostly our fault. We finaly decided it was time to get her out of our bed. I could never figure out how and why some parents let kids sleep in thier beds...until I had my own. She is so fun to snuggle with, but we are out growing our king size bed.
We made a deal with Haley. She has always wanted to go to "Build a Bear." So we told her she needs to sleep in her own bed for 30 days and then we could go to "Build a Bear." Well it worked as you can see.

Here is Haley and Jason making the birth certificate.
Leaving the store.

This is Haleys new bedtime sleeping buddy. Her name is Bailey. All of her dolls names always rhyme with her own name. Bailey, Shalee, Haley and Gaylee(I know that one...well, I don't know where she came up with it. It was almost the name of her new bear, but I talked her into Bailey)