Monday, November 24, 2008

Canadian Thanksgiving

Since my in-laws are from Canada we get at least two Thanksgivings every year. These are pictures of Canadian Thanksgiving that I didn't post last month because I had Brynlee shortly there after. Jason really wanted to deep fry a turkey. This was our first time trying this and I have to say Jason did a fine job. It is great to know he knows how to do this because now I don't have to cook a turkey he gets to do that part! We were even lucky enough to have Ryan and Jess in town for Thanksgiving and for when Brynlee was born.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What Haley does while mom is asleep...

So the other day I walked in the family room and this is what I saw....:)

My mom has been so nice to come over and entertain Haley and take care of Brynlee while I catch up on my sleep. THANKS A TON MOM!!!

These next 3 pictures are ones Haley took randomly with my camera. I have to admit, she isn't too bad of a photographer at four!!

This is probably the view Brynlee gets a lot. Her big sister giving her KISSES all the time!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Halloween night

So as you can tell I am behind on my blog. Truth is if I have a free min. I am sleeping!! I will post more about how things are going with having Brynlee in our family when I have caught up on my sleep. She is a great baby...just has her days and nights mixed up. (for a couple more pic. of Halloween night check out my friend Erins blog. Haley ended up trick-or-treating with her friend Kaleb)
Haley loves loves loves to hug and KISS her little sister!!
We love having Brynlee in our family!!