Haley loves to be playing with someone at all
times. She kept busy during the Christmas break
with all of her cousins and Aunts and Uncles.
The four of us have been sick off and on. We
can't seem to get this cold virus out of our house!
I hate winter.
We got to go see the Jazz game the other night
thanks to Ross. We got to watch from the Nu
Skin suit, and ate ourselves sick.
I got to see my High School friend Rachel.
We met up at "Brick Oven" for some dinner.
We missed the rest of your girls. You know
who you are. Maybe 4th of July???
Now Brynlee...she has had a rough
month. Notice a few bruises on her
forehead...no I don't beat my child!!
She tends to be really accident prone.
Also, she got her top molars and then
her bottom molars the month of Dec.
Lots of crying, runny noses and coughing.