On Saturday Brynlee fell off the kitchen chair
and split her eyelid open. She is so quick you
have to watch her every second. We took her
to the Dr. and luckily they were able to glue
the split shut and didn't have to do stitches!!!
Very curious and into everything.
She follows her big sister everywhere.
She laughs a lot!! A funny laugh that makes everyone else laugh.
Knows exactly what she wants.
Loves Dogs.
She is amazing at going to bed. Every night before going to bed she waves goodnight, blows kisses and lays down without a peep.
She gives the best kisses.
She gets really excited when Jason comes home or when the doorbell rings.
Finally sleeps although the night!!!!
Brynlee loves to brush her teeth. She even spits.
She loves to read. (she defiantly didn’t get that from me!) She would rather read books than play with toys.
She loves bananas!
She is intrigued with body parts right now, especially belly buttons.
Excited about life.
Talking early just like Haley did.
Words she can say or tries to say:
Thank you
Bye Bye
Night Night
Bu Bu (belly button)
Hay (Hayle)
Caa Caa (cracker)
Na Na (Banana)
All clean
Mine. (not loving that she knows these last two words J)
Most of you that know me well know I am a bit obsessive compulsive when it comes to germs. I don’t like McDonald's playground, rides at the mall, “Chuckie Cheese” and driving the carts at the grocery store with the cars on the front. I have been trying to be better at this. And I feel I have come a long way since I had Haley. I have realized I am depriving my poor kids of some fun things. So, as you can see the other day I let Haley and Bryn drive in those big annoying carts that are hard to maneuver for the first time together. Can you see the smiles on there faces!? Bryn was laughing the whole time and people where laugh at her, laughing. It was quite the memory….just thought I would share. J
That’s right Jason says I am a “cougar” since I am now in my 30’s and he is still in is 20’s (only for 4 months though)!! The day was almost perfect. It started by waking up and going running. Then after that we got in the car with the girls and headed for “Magleby’s Fresh” for some yummy breakfast. We came home and got ready for the day. While we were doing this Brynlee got my camera out of my purse and dropped it on the floor and yes she broke it! Hence, the lack of birthday pictures. L
Jason’s parents were kind enough to take the girls for us during the day so we could do some shopping, go to a movie and then dinner at “Teppanyaki.” After that we came back and watched the BYU vs.