Sunday, Haley woke up and asked me if she could go upstairs
and have Grandpa pull her front tooth out. I said
sure, thinking she would chicken out, but she didn't.
She marched upstairs and got the job done. Grandpa
always pays two dollars to pull the grand kids teeth.
Haley had fun spitting water out of her new space.
Haley did all of this while Jason was at church
meetings. She was excited to show him her new
Haley's note to the tooth fairy:
"Dear tooth fairy,I hope that you give me lots of
money. Love, Haley Please write back."
We had to leave her tooth out in the family room
that night. She said she likes to put her hands under
her pillow when she sleeps and is afraid she might
smash and kill the tooth fairy. We have yet to put
her tooth under her pillow. Mascots and the tooth fairy
are not her thing!!!