Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back to School!

Haley started 2nd grade today at her

new school. She was a bit nervous and

didn't sleep too well which means neither

did I. I hope she meets some fun new

friends! It is going to be nice to have more

structure in our days again. Brynlee and

I get to spend some Q.T together these next

few months before that baby comes.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bitter sweet...

Yesterday my oldest nephew Kendall left on

his mission. He is going to be serving in the

Philippines. He is like a little brother to me

and I am going to miss this kid!!! It seems like

not very long ago I was saying goodbye to Jason

when he was leaving on his mission. I remember

Kendall (7 years old at the time) saying

goodbye to Jason. It was pretty emotional then too

and here we are now, tables turned. He will make

a great missionary. I hate goodbyes but I am so

proud of him.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Sippy Cup

A few weeks ago Brynlee decided she is a
"big girl." (No she is not potty trained yet
...dang it!) She LOVED her sippy cup but
she had to have her burp rag with it. (She used
it as a small blanket...it was pretty cute.) Bryn
was in heaven when she had the two but she couldn't
have one without the other. So we did away with
both. It was her idea. She went to the garbage
and threw her sippy cup away. Now if she would
just decided to loose the diapers before this next
little girl gets here that would be great!!!
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lava Hot Springs

So this year my family went out on a limb and
went to Lava Hot Springs. My sister-in-law has
been there with her family so we decided to try it.
I didn't get many pictures but we had some good
family time together. This is the last vacation we
will all be together because 3 of my nephews leave
on missions this year.
The kids did a lot of swimming in the hot springs
and there was a really fun pool just a couple of blocks
away. We had a nice game of Hangman the first night
while it was raining. A lot of good memories were made.
We were only gone for two nights. The Cloward side
is now up to 38 people so it is hard to go on vacation
for too long and it can't be too far away. Good Times!
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