Thursday, October 15, 2009

Brynlee is learning to hold her own.

As you can see Haley LOVES her little sister
A lot, but sometimes I think Brynlee wants
a little space. The next three pictures are
a play by play of what Brynlee has learned to
do to get that space she wants.

Step one: hold your hand up

Step two: Move hand fast

Step three: make contact.

And there you have it. A little space of your own.

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  1. hahaha. She really gave it to Haley. That is so cute. I love it.

  2. Ha ha your girls are SO cute!!!!! Dealing with big sisters can be rough, glad to see Bryn has it under control.

  3. Personal space is sooooo important! I wonder if I could do that to a few clients when they get too close!! Hmmm.....

  4. Hahahah! That girl is too cute! At least she can hold her own!
