A couple weeks ago
Brynlee turned 3 years
old. All she wanted was a snow white dress.
This was perfect because guess what she is going
to be for Halloween!? :) Haley got her the
Rapunzeldoll she is holding and sleeps with it every night.

Our two girls!

The dress she is wearing is from Jason's parents.
She LOVES dresses but they have to twirl or they
aren't wearable. The fact that this dress is pink is
perfect. She wears it all the time.
Notice Bryn's P.J.'s are way too big?
That is because they are Haley's. Lately
she loves to wear Haley's P.J.'s or dress up
in her dresses. Good thing Haley is such a nice
sister and lets her.
We started Brynlees birthday off by eating her
favorite cereal...Coco Pebbles. For lunch we had her
favorite, Roman Noodles and then for dinner Haley and
I decided to take her to Cafe Rio...one of our favorites. :)
It was a girls night because Jason was home sick with the
We love you Brynlee. Happy Birthday!!!