Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lots of catching up to do....

I am a slacker and not one of may words. It
has been a busy summer.
Here is a picture of Haley at her last day of 1st grade.
She is growing too fast! It isn't fair.

Jason turned 31! We got to celebrate it in Las
Vegas with his whole family on a family vacation.
This picture is taken at "Cheesecake Factory."
Love that place and love my husband!!

This is in the pool at the resort we stayed in.
Haley and Bryn planning with their cousins Mady
and Austin.

Jason's cousin works as a mechanic on planes and
let us come check out one of the small
private plans he was working on.

Haley being the pilot and me being the co-pilot.
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1 comment:

  1. Did you stay at the Tahiti Village Resort? It looks a lot like it, we stayed there when we went to Vegas back in May and we loved it! How fun for you guys :)
