Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Jason!!

Yesterday was Jason's birthday. We had a day full of fun!
The night before we hung out with Scott and Miriam and their family. We went out to dinner for Jason's b-day and then came back to their house and as you can see, got 2 liters of his favorite Mountain Dew along with some movie passes. They are too kind!

What is a birthday without breakfast in bed?!

After eating all those cal. for breakfast we decided to go for a run along the Provo trail down by my parents house. They were nice enough to take the girls for us while we went on our run. This was the first time I was able to go running with was a fun memory.

Since we lost our luggage last month I decided to take Jason shopping in the afternoon. So Brandon and Stephanie came and watched the girls for us. Then wedecied to go to an afternoon movie. We saw the movie "Terminator Salvation" which was pretty good, very action packed! Brandon and Stephanie had somewhere to be at 6:00 so Dallin and Shellee came and took over for babysitting, while Jason and I went to Iggy's for dinner. Then came home for some cake that Miriam was so kind to make and we finished the night by watching the NBA game.
I just want to saw thanks to all of our awesome family that helped watch our girls! We are so lucky to have so much help close by.
Jason I love you and hope you enjoyed your birthday!!


  1. Happy Birthday Jason!! Miss you guys!

  2. wow, a whole fun day with just jason!! nice! what a great birthday!! you are lucky to have so many family members there to watch your girls! happy birthday jason!

  3. Happy birthday Jason! It looks like you guys had a GREAT day!!

  4. Happy Birthday Jason! Can't wait to see you guys. Love ya.

  5. What a perfect day...way to go, Shannon. Happy b-day Jas! Love you guys! Hopefully we will see you in the not-to-distant future :)

  6. happy bday Jason!! He is lucky to have a cute wife like you!
