Tuesday, June 16, 2009

She's growing up too fast!

Yes both of our girls are growing up fast, but
the past 2 weeks were BIG for Bryn.
She started sitting up.....

got two teeth and...

started scooting!!

I guess she is trying to catch up with her big
sister. :0

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  1. I have been checking out your blog a lot lately to see of any updates and cute pics of the girls and FINALLY- SOMETHING!! They're looking cute as ever. Can't wait to see you guys.

  2. Geeze! Could you have more talented little beauties on your hands? Seriously Shannon, they are SO CUTE!!

    P.S. LOVE THE BACKGROUND! Great minds think alike!

  3. Oh, she is soo cute! I just want to kiss her cute cheeks! As fun as it is, I wish these babies would slow down!!! Its going by too fast!
    Oh, btw, you missed the best morning huddle this morning!

  4. I want to steal her! She is so cute, and so GOOD(Jason)

  5. Wow, they both have grown so even since we saw you guys in May. And Jason's face is looking thinner!!! :)
