Saturday, July 11, 2009

The 4th I wouldn't mind forgetting...

The night of the 3rd we always sleep at my parent’s house with my whole family. This is a fun tradition everyone always looks forward to. Since it was Haley’s birthday that day, she wanted to bring a “Hello Kitty” piñata. The little kids loved it. We also did fireworks of course, ate lots of junk, watched “Goonies” outside on the projector and Jason took the older boys for a late night run to Del Taco.
The next morning some of us ran the 5k race, came back had a little breakfast and then off to the parade. At the parade I started filling sick. Let’s just say the rest of the 4th was no fun. I had food poisoning!! I spent the holiday in bed. Jason was stuck watching the girls and taking care of me, while everyone else was out having fun. The 3rd of July was a blast but the 4th of July this year was...well lets just say I wouldn't mind forgetting.


  1. oh no!! how sad! i'm sorry!! hope you feel better now!

  2. That's no fun Shannon. Sorry you were sick. Love the pictures though, as always your girls look adorable!

  3. Bryn is so cute. Look at those eyes. Bummer you were sick. This wasn't my favorite 4th either. Jeff has a bum back.

  4. Dude what a bad time to be sick! Atleast you were able to celebrate with Haley for her birthday. Love ya.

  5. so sorry shanny that is the worst!! im just glad you got your race in! was it as fun as the last one? i keep telling myself im going to start up agian... im giong to.

  6. Oh rats. That is no fun. Haley is absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe she is 5. Weren't we just in nursery together?
