Wednesday, August 5, 2009

24th of JULY

The last 3 years we have gone to the Spanish Fork
Rodeo with Jason's family. It has become a really
fun tradition! My allergies were pretty annoying but
it is worth it. (I didn't notice the pen in Brynlee's
nose until I posted this :))

Brynlee loving the sucker Haley is sharing with
her. What a nice sister!
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  1. Haley is such a good big sister. Brynlee is getting so big! Can't wait to see you guys again soon. Love ya.

  2. Ha ha, I love the pen in her nose! Leila's been totally into putting things up her nose lately, kinda scary. Haley looks so cute in her cowgirl hat!

  3. Those girls are going to have soooo much fun in a couple of years! Hang on...they're having soooo much fun RIGHT NOW!! Haley sure loves to make her sister happy. And Haley...who knew she'd look soooo good in a cowboy (or girl) hat!

  4. SO sad I missed the rodeo!! I guess there's always next year... At least I didn't miss out on sky divers. That's my favorite part.

  5. Shannon, It was so fun to see you. You look great! I missed seeing your little ones. They are beautiful, but I would expect nothing less. One of these times we have to plan lunch or a park day or something when we are in town.

  6. tell the truth to you load up with some good meds for the allergies? love the pen and the sucker sharing
