Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back to school check list.

2 weeks left of summer. We are trying to enjoy every last minute of it. Haley is so ready to start kindergarten!
Hello Kitty backpack. Check.

Kindergarten physical. Check.

And of course who could forget the kindergarten shot....I mean shots.:) Check.
I told her she was probably going to get one or two. She wasn't happy when the nurse walked in with FOUR needles. She screamed during the shots, but I was proud of her and told her we could go anywhere for lunch. She took advantage of the situation and chose McDonald's. Don't get me wrong I can handle McDonald's but the playground grosses me out! I guess I have a bit of OCD. But I am slowly getting over it with each kid.
I feel so old. I can't believe I have a kid old enough to go to kindergarten. It is going to be weird having her gone everyday. I am going to miss her!


  1. brings back memories when Dahl got his shots a whil ago. Way to go Haley!!! I agree, McDonalds playground is NASTY.

  2. She's a brave one...not about the shots but getting on that playground. Yikes!! Glad I don't have kids. They'd hate me for not letting them go there. HAYLEY....I have a question for that last picture of you on the that your FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL OUTFIT? Because it's kind of cute!

  3. Hi Shannon, I looked like I GOT THE SHOTS the day I dropped Brian off to kindergarten so many years ago. I cried all the way home. I still remember how strange it was to have him gone for part of the day. Love to you, Aunt Diane

  4. Way to go Haley!! I love her backpack to, PERFECT for Kindergarten. Which wierds me out by the way, she can't be old enough for that yet. And I LOVE her swimsuit!

  5. I can't believe I have a niece old enough to go to Kindergarten! I HATE shots STILL!

  6. i love her, she is so grown up im amazed she didnt choose olive garden or something. amd im impressed your hitting mcdonalds look at you, im sure with a few bottles of purel you can make it through

  7. You little girl is going to be a kindergartner!! She is going to love it, and you are going to get through it!! I still miss my little first grader! :)
    Love the picture with her and the DR, what a great idea!
